Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life is Short. Have an Affair.

Now before you jump to any conclusions, let me explain...

I was watching Sportscenter (which I rarely do) and it was right at midnight when a commercial came on. I was pretty disinterested in it so I continued looking at my Fantasy Football dominance (Yahoo sports, Megan). Then all of a sudden, I glance up at the screen and it shows "" with the tag line, "Life is Short. Have an Affair." I had to rewind the Tivo to do a double-take to see if I really saw that. Apparently, it's some social networking website that is made for married people to find cheating partners. This is for real.

This is one of the most disheartening things I've ever seen and to have it promoted on national television is despicable. According to their website, they don't encourage cheating or increase cheating, but say that if you want to cheat, this is the place to go.

Please join me in praying for all those who choose infidelity over marital commitment, and for those who choose to run a business aimed at encouraging people to cheat.


bobby said...

Yeah. I saw this on another blog recently. Pretty sad.

No wonder the gay community thinks the idea of "protect marriage" is ridiculous when there is crap like this out there.