Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free at last!!!!!!

One thing we've been struggling with is having Noah in our bed. Our uneasy sleep may be a partial cause to his "rough" nights, plus we have to share a bed with a 6-month old.

Well...not any more. We went out and got a toddler bed for Ryan and converted Ryan's bed back into a crib to put Noah in. Then I had to reorganize the room a bit to get them both situated in there.

Tonight is the first night Noah is in the crib and so far, so good (it's only midnight right now, but all is going well).

We decided to have Ryan stay at Donna's so Noah can get used to his new sleeping arrangements. So, in all actuality, tomorrow night will be the real test.

Here are some pics of the crib with Noah in it and Ryan's new bed.