Thursday, June 19, 2008

More on my Week (and weekend)

So today was my first FULL day back at work. Not a whole lot of fun but mostly I just talked to my boss (who's retiring in 47 calendar days) and my co-worker Shannon. I did have to drive around and run some errands but all in all, not a very productive day.

Tomorrow, I am working from 9am-2pm, then going to Torrey Pines to play a round of golf at 4pm. I'm soooooo excited. I called the pro shop today to ask about how the course is. The guy said they still had the black tee markers (the very back tees that the pros play) and he said the rough is still brutal. He said it is basically like the conditions when the US Open was played last week. All this for about $25 (Romero, you have to get the resident card).

Also, I forgot to mention that I did get to spend a little bit of time with Rachel and Caleb last Friday. It is so cool to watch those little guys play together. Ryan even taught Caleb how to make Rocket go faster by patting his knees. I didn't get to hang out too long since I was on my lunch break. Later that evening Ryan and Caleb played some more. Caleb bumped his head 5 times in about an hour. I swear his head is proportionately too large for his body so he can't help but hit his head on things. I'm surprised Ryan doesn't hit his cheeks on everything. After dinner, my brother and his wife met up with me to go to the Brad Paisley concert.

Linda, I had a great time visiting with you, John, Travis and John John. It was great to see you guys and I'm looking forward to August in Lawrence Welk (at least until we all start driving each other crazy).

On Wednesday, we went to Del Mar Fair (they call it the San Diego County Fair now, but it will always be the Del Mar Fair to me). We were supposed to go on Tuesday, but by the time I got home from work, and after getting everything together, it was too late. Every year, I get dragged to the fair, but this year I was actually looking forward to it. Ryan is at a great age where he can actually enjoy a lot of stuff at the fair.

We went to the infield area where there were a lot of carnival rides. The second Ryan saw them, he couldn't stop pointing at them. I had to drop $10 on 14 tickets. Each ride costs 3 tickets and I figured every ride would charge me too since I had to ride with Ryan. Fortunately, I got through most of the rides only giving 3 tickets. The bee ride sucked but Ryan kind-of liked it after the power shut off to it and the bees started coasting around in a circle. Initially, he started whining but he flashed a smile as we got going.

The next ride was the carousel. He always likes the carousels. Once I put him up on the bear (the horses are boring) he looked deathly afraid. I calmed him down and once we got going, he was having a blast.

The next "ride" was actually an obstacle course. It looked a bit daunting for Ryan but he was all about it, mainly because it ends with a long slide through a tube. It started with some bags that you have to maneuver through, which he handled well. Then you have to wrap around and climb a rope ladder (kind of like a military course). He never has done this but he was moving up it pretty quickly. Then at the top, you have to duck through some elastic ropes and go to the inflatable slide. We barely fit through it together but got down just fine. Then onto the wobbly bridge. We had to cross two of them to get to our final destination, the tube slide. Ryan jumped in my lap and we flew down. He was cracking up at the bottom.

The final ride was the Goliath Slide!!!! I had to buy one more ticket since they charged me too. We got to the top and Ryan had no problem jumping in my lap. The slide was about 30 feet tall so it was no slouch. We were the only ones to clear the bottom part of the slide and end up on the pavement. Ryan seemed fine but not as excited about is as the obstacle course.

Later on, we went to go check out the animals and Ryan had a great time petting some goats and a cow.

The whole time we were at the fair, Noah did great, too. He was hanging out in the stroller and seemed to be fairly happy. I feel bad that I haven't mentioned him much, but he is still getting adjusted to this whole life outside the womb and there is not much he does that is different. His days are usually highlighted by a good feeding or low lighted by a poor feeding. Once he starts sitting up, making facial expressions, and getting more of a personality, there will be plenty to talk about him.

Before we left, we stopped by one of the booths and I found a great toy I will have to eventually get (for me, Ryan, and Noah). It's called the Wiggle Racer. Look it up. It seems really cool.

That's it for today. There will be pictures posted on Megan's blog in the near future. She doesn't have a whole heck of a lot of time to post on a blog so be patient.


Unknown said...

Glad to see you're posting again. Can't wait for the pics! =:D

Rachel said...

Thanks for the mention! :) I laughed multiple times - especially about Caleb's head and Ryan's cheeks! Fun reading about life and the fair. Please keep posting!

Linda said...

Let's try really hard not to get on each others nerves at LW. Let's make a making fun of each other!!!! I'm game! I just want to go and relax! Let's make it an unstressful week for everyone!! Had a great time in SD this past week, and so did JR. Thanks again, Megan, for sharing're a real trooper. I know it wasn't easy since you haven't been feeling that great. Hopefully, you will be better by the time we see you in August!!!