Sunday, May 18, 2008

Computer Upgrade

Megan and I have been bouncing the idea around of getting a new computer (a Macbook to be precise). Since we don't really "need" it, I decided to upgrade the memory in our current laptop. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!!!

Before, it would take around 4 or 5 minutes to load Itunes. Yes, it would really take that long. If we tried to open more than one program, you can count on at least 5 minutes to load. Programs would freeze quite often as well. Now, I can open Itunes and the internet at the same time and both come up in under 30 seconds. Since our laptop only cost us $300, I think a $50 upgrade was worth it.


Linda said...

you should put twitter on the side link. It's way easier for little comments when you don't fell like blogging, which you obviously don't!