Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sociological Rant

This has been some time coming.


Today's world of "multi-media" (more like single-form media) has changed the way people communicate, changed the way people think of themselves, and changed the landscape and makeup of "friendship". Everything has become impersonal, self promotion.

Myspace...spam has changed from random emails about mortgage refinance to friends that want you to add them. Your friends are your actual friends, and many others you'll never talk with outside of Myspace.

Facebook...I still don't know what this is but guessing it is a more legitimate version of Myspace.

Blogs...can be useful to family members out of town to catch up on family matters, but many times are used to rant uselessly about unnecessary things (like this post).

Twitter is the worst. Random thoughts quickly sent out to cyperspace for all the world to see. You can write about what you're thinking while sitting on the pot. Is nothing sacred or internal anymore? Everything has to be immediate, and generally, 90% of what's put up on Myspace, or Twitter, or blogs has to do with whoever is writing it. This blog is about my thoughts. If I had a Twitter, I'd twitter about blogging about Twitter. Then I'd send my Myspace friend a message to check out my blog about twittering about blogging about twitter.

Rant over.


bobby said...

Dude...I must say. After reading your post I'm more confused than before. So you're a fan? ;)

It's only impersonal if you let it be. Or it can be a tool to increase communication and enhance personal relationships.

Just my $.01. (Leaving room to add another cent later if I wanna.)

Megan said...

WOW! You have issues! =)