Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thoughts of the day (actually night)

I was looking at the picture collage on Megan's blog for Ryan's birthday and it got me thinking about a lot of things.

I've been so fortunate to be able to spend every morning with Ryan, watching him grow and become the amazing child he is. So fortunate because that is a time in his life that I will never get back. There has been so much change that I have been able to see first hand what a lot of fathers don't get to see. It's sad because I don't get to see Megan nearly as much as I would like but I'm sure there are plenty of sick days to be spent on family time!!!

This brings me to my first real uneasiness about our second child on the way. . . how can I love a child as much as I love Ryan? Now, don't freak out!!! This is a just a thought for the day and by no means will this be the case when #2 arrives. I'm just wondering how to balance the love and attention for a 1 year old as well as love and care for a newborn.

And, now that Ryan's first year is over, will I become more sentimentally attached to every little thing that the second baby does because I know how much I'll miss that time when he/she gets older?

It seems too complicated having multiple children. Oh, by the way, I'm also very uneasy about our space situation: 2 bedrooms + 1 1/2 baths + 3 stories + 2 adults + 2 babies + 1 dog = mayhem??? We'll see shortly, won't we???

Ryan and his new axe!!!!!


Megan said...

I love you!

Linda said...

It all just falls into place, you'll see!

It won't always be easy, but it'll always be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Grow up girly man! It's like the steak you claim to be your favorite. Yeah you ate it and it was good and you'll always have the memory, but then the next steak comes around and it too is good. Suddenly you realize you can love each steak, with all thier individual qualities, equally as much. Wait..there could be another steak in your future!!!!

Fickle Obsessor said...

Nice analogy...steak and kids??? I can only imagine who "anonymous" is with the smart-ass family I've married into.

Although, it did make me want to eat a steak.